Step 5

Contact your local high school

After connecting with your Regional Coordinator and Regional Placement Manager to determine which schools you will work with, create a plan to introduce yourself and learn more about how exchange works in each school.

Make your first contact

Start outreach to the school or district exchange contact to learn more about their exchange policies. We suggest starting with a phone call, sending a follow up email and trying to schedule an in-person or virtual meeting to introduce yourself.

Use the templates below to help structure your conversation around school policies.

Not sure who the contact is? Ask your EF team for help identifying the contact!

Download our email templates

Learn policies and procedures

During a meeting or phone call, aim to learn more about how the school or district works with exchange. You can ask them about age, grade-level or academic requirements, as well the number of available spots for exchange students and any enrollment deadlines.

Top 5 questions to ask a high school

Promotional material for schools

Many schools appreciate having printed material about our program to review. Order School Brochures using the link below so you never have to go in empty-handed. You can bring it to any in-person meetings, mail it or drop it off at the school.

Order School Brochures here

Share our school website

To help showcase the benefit of exchange, share our website dedicated to school officials. Allow administrators to hear from one of our biggest promoters – Principal Hal Mortenson.

Visit our school website

Ask for a referral

Get in the habit of asking for referrals everywhere you go. Secretaries, teachers and administrators are typically well connected in the community.

Schools can earn grant money by recommending host families and exchange coordinators. Share our school referral link so they can learn more!

Share our school referral page

Getting started as an IEC

Step 5

Contact your local high school

Share our school website with local high school contacts, and reach out to them to connect to share more about our program.


How to prepare

© EF Education First 2011-2022. EF High School Exchange Year is operated by EF Educational Foundation for Foreign Study, a non-profit corporation designated by the U.S. Department of State to operate a J-1 student exchange program. Note: Featured photo/videos do not include prospective students, and are representative of program participants.